Digitalisation transforms Dutch education (English subtitles)
Less than a hundred years ago, only a few people had direct acces to information. The classroom back then was set up for efficient dissamination of information one person in front of a class, the level sorted by the age of pupils. Today, in that same classroom, a whole world of information is within reach.
Less than a hundred years ago, only a few people had direct acces to information. The classroom back then was set up for efficient dissamination of information one person in front of a class, the level sorted by the age of pupils. Today, in that same classroom, a whole world of information is within reach.
Software is used to digitally process the curricula of subjects like mathematics, spelling, language and reading. This has the advantage that pupils can immediately see how they performed. It tells pupils whether they need to work harder or have already made progress.
On the smartboard the teacher can see if somethings goes wrong, so he can immediately respond to help the pupils.
With one click, swipe or voice-command today's pupils receive answers that use to require an extensive search. By using a digital learning environment teachers save a lot of time that would normally be used for checking work or going through a stack of notebooks. Now, that time can be used to evaluate education and to see what is needed for the next class. So it is rather a relocation of the way time is used, that enables the improvement of education.
Digitalisation will radically transform education and learning in the upcoming years.